Proteins are the most important compounds of the cell which carry out virtually all of the cell's activities. They constitute more than 50% of dry weight of cell. The name protein was suggested by Berzelius in 1839 and the Dutch Chemist G.J Murlder in 1883 recognized the importance of protein as vital compound
Products are the complex organic compounds having C, H ,O and N as elements but sometimes they contain P and S also. Due to the presence of N they are called Nitrogenous Compounds. Proteins are the building blocks of tissues. Many common parts of the living body such as hair, skin, nails and feathers are also protein. Whereas egg, meat, fish, milk and pulses are the major source of protein.
Products are the complex organic compounds having C, H ,O and N as elements but sometimes they contain P and S also. Due to the presence of N they are called Nitrogenous Compounds. Proteins are the building blocks of tissues. Many common parts of the living body such as hair, skin, nails and feathers are also protein. Whereas egg, meat, fish, milk and pulses are the major source of protein.
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