Techniques and theories employed in and related to dental prosthesis, it is necessary to have clearly in mind the purpose which is being served. It is pertinent , therefore, to commence a articel of this nature by asking and answering the question. Why do we make dentures?
In order to answer this question the functions of the teeth must be understood. These are threefold:
In order to answer this question the functions of the teeth must be understood. These are threefold:
- To divide the food finely so that a large surface area is available for the action of the digestive juices.
- To assist the tongue and lips to form some of the sounds of speech.
- The teeth form an important feature of the face, and by supporting the lips and cheeks enable these structures to perform their functions of manipulating food and expressing emotions.
Teeth are also mutually interdependent premature loss of any tooth may cause a collapse of the dental arch and movement of individual teeth with loss of inter-proximal contacts, thus giving rise to food-packing and gingival damage.
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