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Wednesday, 10 February 2010


It is fresh water algae found floating in stagnant water of ponds, pools ditches etc. It is easily cultured and has been used as an experimental organism in research on photosynthesis as well as being investigated as an alternate source of food.
The body is one-celled spherical in outline and solitary. It contains a single nucleus and a cup-shaped chloroplast usually without a pyridine.

The Sole method of reproduction is by aplanospores, which involves the division of protoplast into 8-16 daughter protoplast. Each daughter protoplast secrets a wall to produce a nonmotile aplanospore. On release from the parent cell each aplanospore forms a new vegetative cell. Zoo spores and gametes are unknown. It is of great economic importance as recently an antibiotic called chlopellin useful for the control of bacterial diseases has been prepared from the plant.


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