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Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Economics Importance of Phytophthora Infestans

The most important species phytophthora infest ants cause the late blight of potato. This is a havoc to potato crop and causes sufficient damage. The symptoms of the disease appear both upon aerial and underground parts. The whole plant becomes blighted in severe conditions. Dry and wet rots damage the tubers.
The First sign of the disease is appearance of small brown patches on leaves which in cloudy and muggy weather rapidly increase to the whole leaf surface.
In bad cases the crown also shows similar symptoms which becomes a rotten pulpy mass emitting foul odor. On the under surface of such infected leaves a cotton growth of my-cilium consisting of fortification of the fungus is seen. This growth is absent in dry weather.

The underground parts especially the tubers are also affected which often remain smaller in size and show dry rot with rusty brown markings in the flesh and brown depressions at certain places, in the skin.


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