Nucleus was discovered by Robert Brown in 1831. It is the most important and prominent part of the cell which controls all its activities. It is commonly spherical or ova in shape, but may be loaded or elongated and is surrounded by a membrane called nuclear membrane. It is double-membraned structure. Most cell have one, some have two or more nuclei. Some small organisms have several small nuclei per cell (ceonocytic). The nuclear membrane is not a complete barrier. It is perforated by Nuclear Pores. Certain substances pass freely through these pores between the nucleus and the surrounding cellular substances.
The Nucleus is filled with a protein rich substance called the Nucleoplasm or Karyolymph. In the nucleoplasm are numerous fine stands in the form of net work called chromatin net work or nuclear reticulum, which is composed of nucleic acid, Deoxyribo-nucleic acid (DNA) and protein.
The Nucleus is filled with a protein rich substance called the Nucleoplasm or Karyolymph. In the nucleoplasm are numerous fine stands in the form of net work called chromatin net work or nuclear reticulum, which is composed of nucleic acid, Deoxyribo-nucleic acid (DNA) and protein.
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