The Golgi apparatus, like the endoplasmic reticulum, is a canalicular system with sacs, but unlike the endoplasmic reticulum it has parallel arranged flattened membrane bound vesicles which lack ribosomes. After the name if its discoverer Golgi, it was named as Golgi-body. The Golgi complex of the plants and lower invertebrates cells is usually referred as dictyosome.
The Golgi bodies of plant cells and Golgi complex of animal cells basically have same morphology. Each of them is disc-shaped and consists of central , flattened, plate like compartments called Cisternae, peripheral network of inter connecting tubules and peripherally occurring vesicles and Golgian vacuoles.
The Golgi bodies of plant cells and Golgi complex of animal cells basically have same morphology. Each of them is disc-shaped and consists of central , flattened, plate like compartments called Cisternae, peripheral network of inter connecting tubules and peripherally occurring vesicles and Golgian vacuoles.
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