Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. It may be due to viral infection, toxic agents on drugs. It is characterized by jaundice, abdominal pain, liver enlargement, fatigue and some times fever.
There are various types of Hepatitis.
Hepatitis A is transmitted by contact with faces from infected individuals. It is caused by non-enveloped RNA virus.
HEPATITIS --- B (serum hepatitis is caused by unusual DNA virus.
The causative agent of hepatitis B, contains a small, circular molecule of partly, but not completely, double standard DNA. The viral genome encodes two kind of proteins, a core protein and a surface protein, as well as DNA polymerase.
The amount of genetic information in the hepatitis B viral genome-359 nucleotides-is less than that of any other pathogen, except of the viroids.
The hepatitis B virus poses a serious public health problem, particularly among Asian, Africans, and male homosexuals. It often persists in carriers without causing any symptoms, but it may still be highly infections. People infected early in life often become carriers, and it is estimated that there are about 200 million such carriers worldwide. Since most of these people are not recognized as carriers, there is a real possibility of the frequent transmission of Hepatitis through skin contacts, blood transfusion, and similar medical procedures.
Hepatitis C pass through blood from mother to child during pregnancy and afterward by sexual contact.