The microprocessor uses electricity to do its work. Each second, million of electrical on and off signals go to the CPU. The computer turns these into a code of 1's and 0's-- 1 for ON and 0 for OFF. This code uses only two numbers. Since bi- means two, it is called Binary code.
A bit is the smallest piece of information a computer can handle. A bit is either a 1 or a 0. A group of 8 bits is called a Byte. Each character on the computer keyboard has its own special 8-bit pattern of 1's and 0's that makeup its binary code.
A bit is the smallest piece of information a computer can handle. A bit is either a 1 or a 0. A group of 8 bits is called a Byte. Each character on the computer keyboard has its own special 8-bit pattern of 1's and 0's that makeup its binary code.
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