Social Icons

Friday, 2 April 2010

Social Security

Social Security Ordinance was promulgated in 1965 which renders great help to the worker in difficult times. This Ordinance made it possible for the worker to maintain himself in time when there is no income due his disability to do any job which may procure wages in the form of money to him and the disability is caused by some dis care, or a female worker and the days of her nearing delivery of a child.
Social Security Institution has been set up by the Government for the implementation of this Ordinance. This Institution is a corporate body having a perpetual succession and a common seal.
Power of direction and superintendence of the Institution of vested in a Governing Body which is assisted by a Commissioner. In discharging its functions, the Institution will consist of a Chairman, four persons to represent the Government, one each for the department of Labor, Industries, Trade and Finance. Three persons will represent the employees, three persons will represent the secured persons and the medical adviser who will be an ex-official member.


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